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 Earlville Galleries Exhibition Opportunities

2026 CYCLE

Deadline: October 1, 2025

The Earlville Galleries annually present 12-15 solo exhibitions of regional and national contemporary visual artists in all media.  The Galleries also feature four annual group shows highlighting the talents of regional artists as well as an annual exhibition of contemporary and traditional quilt artists. Curators may also propose group exhibitions.  If you would like to submit your proposal please follow the guidelines below.

Artists may submit digital images of recent work for review for the 2026 exhibition schedule. Both artists from greater New York and outside New York State are considered. All media and styles are considered, as are installations and proposals by curators.  High quality work by professional and emerging artists who live part-time or full-time in the Central New York region is given priority. The Opera House Galleries are open year-round.


Located at 18 East Main Street in Earlville, NY, 13332 the Earlville Art Galleries at the Opera House are open year-round.

Contacting us:

Earlville Galleries at the Opera House
PO Box 111
Earlville, NY 13332
Phone: (315) 691-3550
[email protected]

Gallery Program Guidelines

When to Apply

Submissions are reviewed on an on-going basis with a deadline of October 1 each year. You are welcome to mail submission to:

By Mail:
PO Box 111
Earlville, NY 13332

By UPS or FedEx:
18 East Main Street
Earlville, NY 13332

OR, email your submission to: [email protected]

There is no fee for submissions.

What to Send

IMAGES: Your images should represent the exhibit that you are proposing.  If your images do not represent the work that you want to show, please describe your concept in a cover letter or proposal. If you wish to submit two different kinds of work or mediums, please submit at least six images of each, so the committee can make a judgment about each submission separately.  Curators should submit samples of artists that they would include in the proposed exhibition.

- Artists may submit 10 to 12 digital images of recent work in accordance with the following guidelines:  Images should be 300 dpi. The file size for each image must be no larger than 2 MB.  Submit only PC-compatible files in jpg format.

- Label each file (image) with a number and title. The first nine images must begin with a zero (for example: 01title.jpg, 02title.jpg…15title.jpg).  This will ensure that they are presented chronologically and follow your Image Script. 

- Please do not submit material that requires software, plug-ins, extensions or other executables to be downloaded or installed.  The materials must be clearly labeled with your name.


1.  Ten to twelve digital images 

Submit the rest of the items on the Checklist below and also include them with your digital submission so that the committee can read them while viewing the images: 

2.  Resume 

3.  Artist’s Statement 

4.  Image Script (numbered to correspond with your digital images or slides). The Image Script must have the following information: Artist's name, title of work/image, medium, dimensions of artwork, date of work/activity, price if for sale. 

5.  If mailing in submissions, please include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope if you would like your materials returned to you. Submissions without SASE will not be returned. 

6.  Optional  - Any details of your proposed exhibition that will help the panel understand its intent and impact. For installations, this information can be key to understanding your proposal. If the work that you plan to show is different than the work that is submitted for review, please include an explanation of the relevance of the current work to the proposed work for your exhibition.

 The Selection Process

Work is juried by a professional panel, a group of visual arts professionals that comprise the Earlville Opera House Gallery Committee. 

Artists whose work isn’t selected in a given year may reapply one year after notification.

Artists who have exhibited at the EOH Art Gallery can reapply after a two-year period. 

What to Expect

If your work is chosen, you will be assigned dates for your show and opening reception.

We provide: 

- Publicity: press releases, picture releases, arrangements for interviews, etc.

 - Invitations: Color printed invitation in postcard format. The invitations are sent to the EOH’s mailing list and up to 25 addresses from the artist’s mailing list.

 - Reception: Light food and beverages are served (pending NYS covid guidelines)

 - Catalog: A printed list of the work on exhibit, with price list and artists statement or resume.

 - Insurance: Work at the EOH Gallery is insured.

 - Sales: Art work can be for sale or not. EOH collects sales tax and receives a commission of 30%.

 What We Need From You If Your Work Is Selected

- The title of your show as soon as possible for early calendar listings; biographical information; a signature image to promote the show, and information about the process or context of your work for use in press releases.  (Send in a Word document if possible)

- On site shows will also be featured virtually. For your show, please submit images as jpeg files that have a resolution of 300 dpi (minimum) and are at least six inches in the longest dimension.  Total pixel length should be between 1800 and 3000 pixels in the longest dimension.  Photos should be chosen for sharpness and accuracy in color rendition and contrast.  Jpegs should be saved at a high quality setting that will result in a files size between 400 KB and 2.0 MB.  (You may also submit an image to be scanned if digital images are not available.)

- Title and purchase price of your work. If your work is not for sale, a price list should be submitted for insurance purposes and work should be labeled “NFS”. (Send in a Word document if possible) 

- Mailing labels for your contacts:  up to 25 labels allowed. 

- Work that is ready to exhibit.

What you may need if your work is accepted

-East Gallery Floor Plan

-West Gallery Floor Plan

-Arts Café Floor Plan

The Gallery Program

The Earlville Opera House Art Galleries are an integral part of the multi-arts programming of the Earlville Opera House and are funded, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts.  Exhibits are always free and open to the public from Tuesday through Friday, from 10am to 4pm and on Saturdays from noon to 2pm, or may be viewed by appointment (during non-covid times). The galleries are also open during performances in the EOH Arts Café or in the historic theater.  Whenever possible, the galleries serve as a tool for arts education.  Please let us know if you would like to schedule an artist talk.

The program priority is to exhibit high quality work by professional and emerging artists who live part-time or full-time in the Central New York region.  However, artists from greater New York or outside New York State will be considered.  All media and styles are considered, as are installations and proposals by curators.

The gallery season includes solo and small-group shows. Occasional invitations and thematic shows are presented at the discretion of the Gallery Committee.

Prospective artists are urged to visit the Gallery prior to applying to consider the amount and type of work that they would like to exhibit. Gallery diagrams are available upon request.


There is no membership requirement to submit slides to the EOH Gallery; however, members receive Gallery mailings and invitations, newsletters, discounts on specified performances and other benefits as specified on our membership form. Should you wish to join, please contact the Earlville Opera House at (315) 691-3550 or click here for a membership form. EMAIL US if you would like to receive our E-Newsletters!